What Distinguishes your Organization’s Value Proposition?

Carolyn Lugbill

What is your organization’s value proposition? How is it unique to your members? Our clients have found that the following three “C’s” can help distinguish your association from others to remain relevant and to ensure your value proposition is still viable.

  1. Commitment –are you just promoting an educational event or do you demonstrate that you are committed to life-long learning by your members building experiences with your organization over time? Is that commitment coherent and of high-value?
  2. Content – are you just an information source or are you vetting and converting information into content that is usable and valuable?
  3. Community – is your organization seen as a community? Is it enjoyable and engaging – whether it is virtual or face-to-face?

These three C’s – commitment, content, and community — are wrapped up in a value of trust. Members must be able to know that the association is committed to their professional development, they are receiving the right content, and that they are part of a vibrant and engaging community. Having all three of these “C’s” is what constitutes your brand.

What areas of your organization’s value proposition do you need to work on?

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About the Author

Carolyn Lugbill

Carolyn Lugbill, CAE, MAM is a Senior Consultant with Tecker International. She has more than 25 years of association experience. Carolyn provides strategic planning, global growth strategies, program assessment, and board development for our clients. Contact Carolyn: clugbill@tecker.com