We realized that we have been writing a lot about association committees lately. Some of our recent clients have been struggling with committees that aren’t really doing anything, committee members that won’t leave or struggling to fill spots on committees. Regardless, we have had the same advice: review what committees you have and what they are charged with doing, limit standing committees, and rearrange your work force into action teams that are tasked with achieving specific goals and objectives. We’ve found these action teams are very appealing to younger members and any members who want to engage with the association but do not want to commit to something with unclear goals or a lengthy time commitment. We thought it might be helpful to round up some of our recent posts on committees and put them all in one place so here they are!
Membership Committees Can Be Challenging, Donna Dunn
Many organizations find that obtaining volunteers for the membership committee is so challenging, they eliminate it altogether. There’s a better way.
More on Standing Committees, Glenn Tecker
Action teams, focused on strategies with an outcome to be achieved, can mitigate the common pitfalls of standing committees.
Standing Committees: Good or Bad? Donna Dunn
There is no right answer about the benefits of standing committees. But, standing committees that have been around forever need to revisit their purpose.
Evolution of Association Committees, Glenn Tecker
We are observing that reinvention of traditional association committee structures is becoming increasingly important as Gen Y populates our organizations.