The use of tax exemption for 501Cs as a political weapon endangers the entire nonprofit community and its essential and unique role in American democracy.
Are you solving the right problem?
If participation rates in your association programs is unsatisfactory, understanding why is essential.
Assessment of the Executive Director
Effective assessment of the Executive Director blends attention to three related but discrete dimensions of performance reflected in effective evaluation instruments and the conversations that they support.
An Unbalanced Board
Our research into what it takes to achieve and sustain a balanced board (one that is both representative and competent), uncovered 11 conditions that can predict serious consequences for the organization.
Successful Innovation
When an association begins by defining innovation as “a change that makes something better,” it points to places to look for meaningful opportunities.
Some Observations about Gen Y
There are growing indications that Gen Y is pushing back on assumptions made about them by members of other generations.